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What To Do When You've Lost Your Car Keys

Suresafe Locksmiths • October 18, 2022

If you lose or damage your car keys, this can cause serious disruption to your daily life. We often don't realise how important cars are until we no longer have access to them, which is why damaged or lost car keys should be replaced as soon as possible, both to maintain your freedom and mobility as well as to ensure the security of your vehicle. Let's explore how car keys can be lost or damaged and what to do if you do lose your car keys.

How Do Car Keys Get Lost And Damaged?

Car keys can easily get lost or damaged. Many people accidentally misplace their car keys while they're out and about, or car keys can fall out of your pocket while you're out in public. It's also possible to damage car keys if they're very old and worn, or if they withstand a particularly heavy impact. If you can't find your car keys, the first thing to do is check your coat and trouser pockets, look in bags, and in places where they might easily get lost such as down the back of the sofa or the bedside table.

Types Of Car Keys

How difficult your car keys are to replace depends on the type of car keys you have. Some of the different types of car keys include:

  • Mechanical keys: Traditional car keys that commonly come with older cars. It's easy to make a copy of mechanical keys because they can be cut easily from metal.
  • Remote fob and keys: These car keys combine a remote fob to unlock your car with a traditional key. These cost more to replace because they require both a new key cut and electronic components.
  • Remote keyless fob: Many contemporary vehicles have done away with keys altogether and instead use a remote fob to both unlock and start the vehicle. These fobs can be expensive to replace.
  • Transponder keys: Probably the most difficult type of car key to replace, transponder keys feature an electronic microchip that sends unique numerical codes to your car to unlock it and start the ignition. These types of keys are more vulnerable to keyless car theft and slightly more complicated to replace because the new keys must be made to match your car.

What To Do When You Lose Your Car Keys

If you've lost your car keys - and they haven't turned up down the back of the sofa - it's time to call out the experts. You can have your car keys replaced by contacting the car dealership that you bought your car from, but this usually costs more than having them replaced by a locksmith.

Auto locksmiths are able to replace your car keys for you quickly, getting you back on the road again as soon as possible. Some locksmiths may offer a mobile service, which means that they travel to you, and if you've lost an electronic or remote key your locksmith may be able to deprogramme this to make sure that criminals can't use it to access your vehicle.

Get In Touch

Are you looking for a fast, professional locksmith to help you replace lost or missing car keys? Call our expert team today on 0419 729 222 for reliable car key replacements and other locksmith services.

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